Monday, January 08, 2007

Sad News

Nikki Bacharach, daughter of songwriter Burt Bacharach and actress Angie Dickinson, committed suicide. She had Asperger's Syndrome.
"Does AS or autism make a person more likely to commit suicide, as in the case of Burt Bacharach's daughter? The NAS [UK-based National Autism Society] spokeswoman said it was difficult to answer because the disorder affected people in different ways. "It's not a mental disorder, it's a developmental disability. It is not a mental health issue per se," she said.
But Dr [Lorna] Wing and others have highlighted issues of psychiatric trauma and varying degrees of depression among young adults with AS, something that seems related to their awareness of their difference from others. One paper on the subject claims that five out of 22 young adults with AS had tried to take their lives."

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