"Professor Simon Baron-Cohen, Director of the Autism Research Centre (ARC) at Cambridge University and David Lammy, Culture Minister, yesterday launched a novel animation DVD to help young children with autism.The Transporters DVD, commissioned by Culture Online, part of the Department for Culture, Media and Sport, aims to help children with autism to look at the human face and to learn about emotions. The series of 15 five-minute episodes features the adventures of eight lovable toys with human faces, each focusing on a different human emotion. Stephen Fry is the narrator."
"Research by Dr Ofer Golan and Professor Simon Baron-Cohen from ARC found that following a four-week period of watching the DVD for 15 minutes a day, children with high-functioning autism caught up with typically developing children of the same age in their performance on emotion recognition tasks. One parent who took part in the clinical trials said of their son with autism: "We have noticed a change in his behaviour, speech and range of emotional expressions since he started watching The Transporters. It's a bit like someone's flicked a switch in his head."
Article here. [don't know how long it will last]
Autism Research Centre here.
Watch episode one online.
Copies of the DVDs can be requested here - UK residents only.
I am looking for a copy of the Transporters. I live in Canada and am desperate to find a copy. PAL versions do not matter. Is there any way you could help, my son has recently been diagnosed with Autism, and he loves the show.
thank you
I am looking for a copy of the Transporters. I live in Canada and am desperate to find a copy. PAL versions do not matter. Is there any way you could help, my son has recently been diagnosed with Autism, and he loves the show.
thank you
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